Cultural Encounters – A Journal for the Theology of Culture is committed to pursuing a biblically informed, Christ-centered Trinitarian engagement of contemporary culture. All submissions should reflect this purpose. This two-fold aim will be the standard by which the editorial team will view each submission.

Cultural Encounters seeks essays that display creativity, scholarly acumen, originality, an ability to engage our readership, and potential to spark and sustain further scholarship.

Article content must be culturally relevant. Topics of discussion may include but are not limited to religious pluralism, racialization, materialism, poverty, the increased urbanization of the world, the environment, cross-cultural contextualization, sexuality, genetic engineering, postmodernity, public discourse, politics, and more.

Submission Guidelines

Articles to be considered for publication should be emailed to with the subject line: Cultural Encounters' Submission.  All submissions without exception must follow these guidelines:

1.  All submissions are to be original contributions, not being considered elsewhere for publication.

2.  Submissions should average 5,000 to 7,500 words, including footnotes, although exceptions regarding word count will be made.

3.  Formatting style should follow The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed.

4. Submissions should include footnotes rather than endnotes.

5.  Bibliographic citations should be provided using footnotes rather than the author-date-system. Full bibliographic details must be given in a footnote at the first mention of any work cited. A supplemental bibliography is not necessary.

6. Scripture quotations are permitted only from the latest edition of any particular Bible version, unless otherwise allowable by the version publisher. Bible versions should be indicated parenthetically. If one version is used throughout the essay, that may be noted in a footnote at the first use. Full citations for Bible quotations will be provided on the copyright page of the journal.

7. Quotes and references should not be copied directly from electronic sources, but instead should be re-typed into the submission by the article author to prevent the transmission of hidden formatting.

8.  Submissions should be delivered via electronic copy in Microsoft Word format by email attachment.

9.  On a separate title page include author name, position and affiliation, full address, telephone number, and email.

10.  Submissions should include an accompanying abstract of 100-150 words.

11.  All unsolicited submissions will be blind-reviewed. To facilitate this process, there should be no author-identifying information in the text and references.

For our full Style Guide, please contact us at

If accepted for publication, we reserve the right to edit for usage and style. All accepted submissions are subject to editorial modification with permission of the author.

It is our policy to require assignment of copyright from all contributors. Although authors of accepted submissions receive no financial remuneration, they will receive a complementary year subscription to Cultural Encounters. In addition, contributors are given permission to make unlimited copies of their own article provided that publishing details are clearly visible on each copy.

Book Reviews

Each issue of Cultural Encounters will review a variety of books, which integrate theology with contemporary cultural issues. Books for review can be sent to the address listed below, however, prior communication with the Book Editor is preferred. Cultural Encounters does not guarantee publication of unsolicited reviews.

For Book Review inquiries, please email our book review editor at

Copyright Policy

The copyright of all articles published in Cultural Encounters – A Journal for the Theology of Culture is held by the Institute for Cultural Engagement: New Wine, New Wineskins. Permission to reprint is granted under limited terms.